Table 3.
Attributes at Gamble Response 1992 – 2002
Percent | 1992–2002 |
Male | 42.9 |
Black | 14.7 |
Hispanic | 7.5 |
High School Drop Out | 22.0 |
H.S. Grad / Some College | 57.2 |
College / Post Graduate | 20.8 |
Job Displacement | |
Prior to Response | 24.7 |
After Response | 12.9 |
Health Condition | |
Prior to Response | 22.0 |
After Response | 16.8 |
Married | |
Current Status | 78.9 |
Change in Panel | 13.5 |
Mean (Std. Dev.) | |
Age | 56.9 (4.5) |
Fraction Exact Probability | |
Individual Panel Average | 0.41 (0.18) |
Current – Panel Average | 0.04 (0.16) |
Log of Income | |
Individual Panel Average | 10.9 (0.8) |
Current – Panel Average | −0.04 (0.47) |
Log of Wealth (Positive) | |
Individual Panel Average | 11.5 (2.5) |
Current – Panel Average | −0.15 (0.75) |
| |
Responses | 18,625 |
NOTE: Author’s unweighted tabulations are from HRS public access data files and Rand HRS (Version F) data set. The sample includes 12,003 individuals. A job displacement is a job ending with a firm closure or layoff. A health condition includes heart disease, stroke, cancer, and lung disease. Fraction exact probability is the fraction of subjective probability questions to which the respondent gave a non-focal answer (not 0, 50, or 100). Wealth is the total household net worth and income is the total income of the respondent and spouse. Both variables are from the RAND HRS data and include imputations.