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. 2014 Dec;19(10):543–546. doi: 10.1093/pch/19.10.543


Total annual number of visits for paediatric concussions to an emergency department and physician office according to sex in Ontario, 2003 to 2010

Year All visits Rate per 100,00

Boys Girls Boys Girls
2003 6121 2615 466.7 208.6
2004 6817 2867 521.1 229.3
2005 6671 3009 511.8 241.7
2006 6604 3188 508.9 257.4
2007 7258 3433 561.4 278.4
2008 7659 3892 595.8 317.5
2009 8830 4838 692.0 397.8
2010 9563 5323 754.3 440.7
Total 59,523 29,165