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. 2014 Nov 25;11(12):12088–12107. doi: 10.3390/ijerph111212088

Table 4.

Frequency of symptoms by general characteristics and by health behaviour.

Characteristic/ Behaviour Headache M (SD) p Depressive Mood M (SD) p Difficulties to Concentrate M (SD) p Insomnia M (SD) p
Stressors/Burdens (exams)
Less burdened 2.52 (0.92) <0.001 2.31 (1.07) <0.001 2.33 (0.94) <0.001 2.20 (1.05) <0.001
Strongly/very burdened 2.78 (0.93) 2.80 (1.07) 2.71 (0.92) 2.55 (1.06)
Stressors/Burdens (overall)
Less burdened 2.59 (0.91) <0.001 2.43 (1.06) <0.001 2.46 (0.92) <0.001 2.29 (1.04) <0.001
Strongly/very burdened 2.88 (0.99) 3.01 (1.07) 2.77 (0.99) 2.69 (1.10)
Female 2.76 (0.92) <0.001 2.69 (1.09) <0.001 2.58 (0.93) 0.031 2.47 (1.06) 0.001
Male 2.48 (0.93) 2.36 (1.06) 2.46 (0.97) 2.25 (1.07)
< 20 2.57 (0.90) 0.050 2.45 (1.08) 0.006 2.43 (0.94) 0.018 2.17 (1.05) <0.001
20-24 2.71 (0.94) 2.61 (1.10) 2.57 (0.95) 2.47 (1.07)
≥ 25 2.60 (1.02) 2.83 (1.06) 2.68 (0.88) 2.60 (1.02)
Marital status
Married 2.69 (0.93) 0.868 2.13 (1.08) 0.005 2.29 (0.92) 0.068 2.38 (1.03) 0.914
Single 2.67 (0.94) 2.60 (1.09) 2.55 (0.95) 2.40 (1.07)
Year of study
1st 2.56 (0.91) 0.007 2.42 (1.10) 0.001 2.43 (0.96) 0.034 2.18 (1.04) <0.001
2nd 2.68 (0.95) 2.58 (1.10) 2.59 (0.94) 2.46 (1.08)
3rd 2.80 (0.92) 2.73 (1.08) 2.58 (0.91) 2.56 (1.05)
≥4th 2.65 (0.94) 2.66 (1.06) 2.63 (0.98) 2.49 (1.07)
Living with parent
Yes 2.69 (0.92) 0.041 2.58 (1.09) 0.998 2.55 (0.93) 0.656 2.39 (1.07) 0.635
No 2.55 (0.97) 2.58 (1.10) 2.52 (1.01) 2.42 (1.08)
Income sufficiency
Always/ Mostly sufficient 2.66 (0.93) 0.482 2.52 (1.10) 0.002 2.49 (0.95) 0.001 2.36 (1.06) 0.089
Mostly/ Always insufficient 2.70 (0.95) 2.73 (1.07) 2.68 (0.93) 2.48 (1.09)
Health behaviours/Lifestyle
Daily 2.63 (0.97) 0.069 2.62 (1.04) 0.089 2.57 (1.00) 0.590 2.40 (1.06) 0.902
Occasional 2.37 (1.06) 2.24 (1.11) 2.41 (0.93) 2.33 (1.11)
Never 2.68 (0.93) 2.59 (1.09) 2.55 (0.94) 2.40 (1.07)
Illicit drugs (ever use)
No 2.66 (0.93) 0.636 2.58 (1.09) 0.869 2.54 (0.94) 0.541 2.39 (1.07) 0.240
Yes 2.76 (1.04) 2.62 (1.28) 2.67 (1.16) 2.67 (1.07)
Alcohol consumption
Never 2.67 (0.93) 0.888 2.58 (1.09) 0.668 2.54 (0.94) 0.837 2.39 (1.07) 0.756
Occasionally 2.60 (0.98) 2.50 (1.20) 2.60 (1.08) 2.45 (1.04)
Every day 2.75 (1.50) 3.00 (1.41) 2.75 (1.26) 2.75 (0.96)
Subjective Health
Excellent/Very good 2.51 (0.92) <0.001 2.41 (1.10) <0.001 2.38 (0.94) <0.001 2.23 (1.05) <0.001
Good 2.82 (0.88) 2.65 (1.04) 2.63 (0.89) 2.51 (1.03)
Fair Poor 2.89 (0.99) 3.04 (1.04) 2.93 (0.95) 2.73 (1.13)
Health awareness
Very much/Some extent 2.63 (0.93) 0.014 2.51 (1.08) <0.001 2.49 (0.92) <0.001 2.37 (1.07) 0.054
Not much/Not at all 2.79 (0.96) 2.86 (1.09) 2.75 (1.02) 2.51 (1.07)
BMI (reported)
Underweight 2.60 (0.92) 0.620 2.58 (1.15) 0.313 2.44 (0.94) 0.339 2.29 (1.11) 0.695
Normal weight 2.63 (0.91) 2.62 (1.08) 2.57 (0.92) 2.42 (1.06)
Overweight 2.69 (0.91) 2.47 (1.08) 2.50 (0.93) 2.43 (1.04)
Obese 2.74 (1.06) 2.64 (1.13) 2.67 (1.00) 2.36 (1.07)
Importance of religion (religiosity)
Somewhat/Strongly disagree 2.73 (0.88) 0.766 2.82 (1.05) 0.309 2.55 (0.96) 0.984 2.32 (0.89) 0.721
Strongly/Somewhat agree 2.67 (0.94 ) 2.58 (1.09) 2.54 (0.95) 2.40 (1.07)
Quality of life
Very badly/Badly 2.74 (0.97) 0.412 2.92 (1.05) <0.001 2.80 (0.93) <0.001 2.64 (1.17) <0.001
Intermediate 2.69 (0.97) 2.77 (1.05) 2.68 (0.95) 2.52 (1.04)
Quite well/Very well 2.64 (0.91) 2.42 (1.09) 2.43 (0.93) 2.29 (1.06)

SD rounded to one decimal point; All P values based on t-test or ANOVA; Significance level after Bonferoni adjustment set at p = 0.001; Symptoms measured on a four-point response scale, 1 = “never”; 4 = “very often”.