Inhibition of Cdc7 and PP2A in Xenopus egg extract changes the amount of DUE-B incorporated in high molecular weight complex. A, DUE-BSf9 was incubated with interphase egg extract supplemented with the PP2A inhibitor OA. B, DUE-BSf9 was incubated with interphase egg extract supplemented with OA and the Cdc7 inhibitor PHA-767491. C, DUE-BSf9 was incubated with interphase egg extract supplemented with OA and p27. D, DUE-BSf9 was incubated with interphase egg extract supplemented with OA and casein kinase II inhibitor TBB. E, DUE-BSf9 was incubated with interphase egg extract supplemented with PHA-767491.