Sertoli cell proliferation in testis xenografts collected from mice treated with different doses of DBP. a – d) Fluorescence micrographs of a tissue section from a xenograft (0 mg/kg group) collected at 28 weeks in which double immunohistochemistry for AR and PCNA was performed. Yellow arrow points to a proliferating Sertoli cell (AR+ PCNA+), while white arrowhead points to a non-proliferating Sertoli cell (AR+ PCNA-). a) Nuclear counterstaining with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), b) staining with anti-AR antibody, c) staining with anti-PCNA antibody, and d) merged image. e) Number of proliferating Sertoli cells (AR+ PCNA+ cells) per seminiferous cord and tubule cross-section. f) Percentage of proliferating Sertoli cells (No. of AR+ PCNA+ cells per cross section × 100 / No. of AR+ cells per cross section). In a – d bars = 50 μm. In e – f, different letters between bars of the same color indicate statistical difference (P<0.05).