The rdo5 Mutant Shows Reduced Dormancy.
(A) Germination after different periods of dry storage of rdo5-1, its wild-type background NIL-DOG1, and two complementation lines containing a pRDO5:RDO5 insertion in the rdo5-1 background. Shown are averages ± se of six to eight independent batches of seeds for each genotype.
(B) Seed longevity phenotype of rdo5-1 and NIL-DOG1 after long time storage and controlled deterioration (CDT). Shown are averages ± se of six to eight independent batches of seeds for each genotype.
(C) Schematic diagram of the RDO5 gene structure including the position of the rdo5-1 mutation and the two T-DNA insertions. Exons are shown as black boxes and introns as lines. The positions of the primers used for RT-PCR analysis are indicated below the structure (arrows).
(D) RT-PCR analysis of the RDO5 transcripts in freshly harvested seeds of wild-type and T-DNA insertion mutants. ACTIN8 (ACT8) was used as a loading control.
(E) Germination after different periods of dry storage of the T-DNA insertion lines rdo5-2 and rdo5-3 and their respective wild-type backgrounds Col and Nossen. Shown are averages ± se of six to eight independent batches of seeds for each genotype.