RDO5 and ABA Do Not Influence Each Other’s Levels.
ABA contents in dry and 36-h imbibed wild-type Col and rdo5-2 seeds that were either freshly harvested or after-ripened. Shown are averages ± se calculated from three biological repeats.
(B) Germination rate of after-ripened wild-type NIL-DOG1 and rdo5-1 seeds sown on wet filter paper containing different concentrations of ABA. Shown are averages ± se of more than eight independent batches of seeds for each genotype.
qRT-PCR analysis of RDO5 transcript levels in freshly harvested seeds of wild-type Col and the cyp707a1-a3 mutants. The expression values were normalized using ACT8 as control. n = 3 biological replicates; error bars represent se.