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. 2014 Nov 12;44(1):20140238. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20140238

Table 1.

Studies evaluating the accuracy and stability of gray values (GVs) in CBCT

Study CBCT models Phantom Materials Reference Resultsa
Aranyarachkul et al34 1 Human cadavers (n = 9) Bone Quantitative CT R2 = 0.85–0.96
Azeredo et al35 3 Small cubic phantoms Air, water, wax, acrylic, plaster, gutta-percha CT R2 = 0.8818–0.9947 (average, 0.9370)
Bamba et al36 3 Cylindrical PMMA phantom Air, LDPE, PMMA, POM, PTFE, aluminium CT Uniformity in axial and coronal plane: variable results, shifts of >1000 GV for one CBCT model
Effect of scan parameters (kVp, mAs) and environment (amount of PMMA) demonstrated
Bryant et al37 1 Assymetric acrylic phantom
Terraced phantom
Pyramid phantom
Water phantom
Acrylic Water N/A
Theoretical Hounsfield units (i.e. 0 HU)
GVs affected by mass in slice and mass outside slice. Stable region of 11 cm in centre of FOV
Correction equation proposed based on mass of 7 g per slice
Bujtár et al38 1 Cadaver head PE, POM, borosilicate glass, aluminium, water CT Effect of position: SD, 70–135 (maximum shift, 193–488 GV)
CBCT-CT: R2, 0.82–0.98
Cassetta et al39 1 Mandibles (n = 10) Cortical and cancellous bone N/A Effect of mAs (approximately 47% reduction):
cortical bone: shift of 161 GV
cancellous bone: shift of 65 GV
Cassetta et al40 1 Mandibles (n = 20) Cortical and cancellous bone CT R2 = 0.87–0.96 (average, 0.93)
Average difference between CBCT and CT, 235 GV
Chindasombatjaroen et al41 1 Cylindrical water phantom Iodine contrast medium 0.0625–8%, concentration doubled with each step CT R2 = 0.9997–0.9999
Effect of mAs: GV shifts up to approximately 150 GV
(Effect of kVp also demonstrated)
Eskandarloo et al42 3 Rectangular phantom filled with water and oil PE, polyamide, PVC, bone pieces CT Effect of position in FOV:
Model 1: average shift, 125 GV; maximum, 291 GV
Model 2: average shift, 39 GV; maximum, 141 GV
Model 3: average shift, 106 GV; maximum, 395 GV
Hohlweg-Majert et al43 1 Cylindrical phantom HA (100, 200, 400, 1000 mg cm−3) CT Differences between axial slices: average shift, 24 GV; maximum, 67 GV
Katsumata et al44 2 Cylindrical plastic, filled with water, dry mandible and cervical vertebrae Bone, water CT Difference in GV of water at buccal and lingual sides
GVs and lingual-buccal differences affected by objects outside the FOV
Objects outside the FOV lead to GV shifts of up to 10% of the gray scale
Relative densities (normalized to bone) also not stable
Katsumata et al45 1 Cylindrical plastic, filled with water, dry mandible and cervical vertebrae Bone, water N/A Highest variability for smallest FOV, decreased variability for larger FOVs
GVs severely inconsistent between FOVs (difference of 374 GV for bone)
Shifts due to objects outside FOV, 10–74 GV
Lagravère et al46 1 PMMA box filled with water POM, acrylic, nylon, cork, celfortic pink foam, spruce Physical density Correlation between density and Hounsfield units: R2 = 0.986
Standard error of 27 HU
Lagravère et al47 1 PMMA box filled with water Canadian spruce, nylon, POM Physical density Shifts in GV due to object location up to 85–214 GV (not statistically significant)
Correlation between density and Hounsfield units: R2 = 0.893
Mah et al48 11 Small cylindrical phantom (in air and in small/large water containers) (Air), adipose, water, PMMA, muscle, cancellous bone, cortical bone, aluminium Linear attenuation coefficients Highest correlation at effective beam energy
Hounsfield units derived through attenuation coefficients
Variability in CBCT-derived Hounsfield units when scanning in air vs small or large water container: average shift 127 HU; maximum 1258 HU
Large differences in derived Hounsfield units between CBCTs
Molteni28 2 Small cylindrical phantom (in air and in small/large water containers); (Air), adipose, water, PMMA, muscle, cancellous bone, cortical bone, aluminium Linear attenuation coefficients Less artefacts for small FOVs
Increase in GV towards the top of FOV for one CBCT model
No influence of resolution mode on GV for one CBCT model
Effect of exo-mass, presence of water and central/peripheral phantom position
Discrepancy between central and peripheral gray values for water: −135 to +125 GV
Correlation between attenuation coefficients and CBCT GV: R2, 0.935–0.973
Nackaerts et al49 5 Rectangular bone mineral phantom Water, HA (75, 150 mg cm−3) CT Poor stability of CBCT GV throughout FOV (CV, 10%; CT, 0.1%)
Large effect of rotation and off-centre positioning of phantom Correlation of CBCT-CT:
R2 = 0.095–1.000 (average, 0.764; median, 0.969)
Naitoh et al50 1 Patients (n = 16) Mandibular cancellous bone CT (BMD) Correlation CBCT GV and CT-derived BMD: R2 = 0.931
BMD from CBCT deviates 1–182 mg cm−3 (average, 46 mg cm−3) from CT
Deviations of up to approximately 200 GV
Naitoh et al51 1 Patients (n = 15) Reference bone block Mandibular cancellous bone HA (200 mg cm−3) CT (BMD) BMD from CBCT deviates 1–123 mg cm−3 (average, 38 mg cm−3) from CT
84% of bone sites correctly classified as > or <200 mg cm−3 using reference block
38% in 150–250 mg cm−3 range misclassified
Nishino et al52 1 Cylindrical phantom Air, LDPE, acrylic, PTFE N/A Effect of relative z-position of phantom: maximum shift, 19–69 GV (depending on material)
Nomura et al53 1 Water phantom Aluminium, iodine solutions (0–100 mgI ml−1, 10 mgI ml−1 step size) CT Differences due to kVp or mA variation: up to approximately 12 GV
CV: CBCT, 3.7–7.8%; CT: 0.7%
Linear regression, CBCT-CT: R2 = 0.982, non-linear regression: R2 = 0.989
Nomura et al54 1 Water phantom or in-air HA (0–239 mg cm−3, 40 mg cm−3 step size) CT Correlation: R2 = 0.9983–0.9999
Large influence of air/water background
Presence of hard tissue: average shift 6 GV; maximum, 9 GV
Presence of metal: average shift, 15 GV; maximum, 30 GV (metal inside FOV), average shift, 13 GV; maximum, 28 GV (metal outside FOV)
Variation along z-axis: SD, 8.3–10.8 GV
Oliveira et al55 1 Water phantom K2HPO4 (200–1200 ng cm−3, 200 mg cm−3 step size) N/A Effect of kVp: average shift, 122 GV; maximum, 290 GV
Effect of mA: average shift 40 GV; maximum, 108 GV
Effect of exo-mass: average shift; 183 GV; maximum, 307 GV
Effect of implant in FOV: average shift, 5 GV; maximum, 28 GV
Parsa et al56 1 Mandibles (n = 10) Bone CT Correlation CBCT-CT: R2 = 0.937
Parsa et al57 1 Mandibles (n = 20) Bone CT Difference CBCT GV and Hounsfield units: average, 155
Correlation CBCT-CT: R2 = 0.794
Parsa et al58 2 Mandible (n = 1) Bone N/A Model 1:
effect of FOV size: maximum shift, 402 GV
effect of time 1 (resolution mode): average shift, 3 GV
effect of time 2 (rotation mode): average shift, 29 GV
Model 2:
effect of FOV size: maximum shift, 116 GV
effect of mA: average shift, 36 GV
effect of exposure time: average shift, 4 GV
Pauwels et al59 7 Cylindrical PMMA phantom Air, PMMA, HA (50, 100, 200 mg cm−3), aluminium CT Correlation CBCT-CT: All materials: R2 = 0.6864–0.9996 (average, 0.9689)
Medium density: R2 = 0.7303–0.9909 (average, 0.9156)
Uniformity of GV in axial plane, 4–21%
Pauwels et al60 13 Cylindrical PMMA phantom Air, PMMA, HA (50, 100, 200 mg cm−3), aluminium CT Correlation CBCT-CT: All materials: R2 = 0.7014–0.9996
Medium density: R2 = 0.5620–0.9991
Error after calibration: 35–1562 GV
Plachtovics et al61 1 PMMA cylinder PTFE, LDPE, acrylic, air, water CT Effect of phantom rotation: average shift, 15 GV (excluding air), maximum, 51 GV
Effect of projection mode: average shift, 128 GV (excluding air), maximum, 263 GV
Centre vs periphery (64 mm from centre): average shift, 209 GV; maximum, 240 GV (except double-exposure overlap mode: shift, 10 GV)
Reeves et al62 2 Reference object in patient's mouth Cortical bone, trabecular bone, PMMA, water Linear attenuation coefficients Clinical application of Mah et al48
<3% difference between average derived and actual Hounsfield units
Sennerby et al63 1 Cylindrical phantom with water bath PE, PS, nylon, PC, PMMA, HA (200, 800, 1000, 1500 mg cm−3) Linear attenuation coefficients, hydroxyapatite concentration R2 = 0.9574–0.9979
Effect of scan setting (binning): maximum shift, 10 GV
Deviations up to 25 GV seen from correlation plots
Variability up to approximately 20 GV between slices
Silva et al64 1 Mandibles (n = 20) Trabecular bone CT Difference in average GV between CBCT and CT: 105 GV
Spin-Neto et al65 6 Human skull in acrylic All voxels in FOV N/A GV shifts between consecutive exposures: <5 GV for four CBCTs, ≤17 GV and ≤109 GV for two other CBCTs
Valiyaparambil et al66 1 Cylindrical phantoms (n = 2) K2HPO4 (50–1000 mg ml−1), HA (100, 200, 400, 800 mg cm−3) CT Correlation CBCT-CT: R2 = 0.98–0.99
Yamashina et al67 1 Soft tissue-equivalent phantom in water container Air, epoxy resin, water CT Reproducibility: average shift, 3 GV; maximum, 5 GV
Effect of position in FOV:
Air: maximum shift, 144 GV
Epoxy resin: maximum shift, 107 GV
Water: maximum shift, 129 GV

BMD, bone mineral density; CV, coefficient of variance; FOV, field of view; GV, gray value; HA, hydroxyapatite; K2HPO4, dipotassium phosphate; LDPE, low-density polyethylene; mgI, milligrams of iodine, N/A, not applicable; PC, polycarbonate; PE, polyethylene; PMMA, polymethyl methacrylate; POM, polyoxymethylene; PS, polystyrene; PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene; PVC, polyvinyl chloride; SD, standard deviation.


Recalculated to R2 when explicitly stated that R was used. Certain results provided in this table were retrospectively derived from graphs and tables provided in the respective article.