Contributions of environmental factors to the bacterial structuring. (A) Variation partitioning analysis of bacterial diversity among phyllosphere and water samples explained by water properties and habitat types. Water properties at the harvest are shown in Table 2. Habitat types of phyllosphere and water are designated “1” and “2,” respectively. The presence of soil (PC and WC, without soil, are designated “0”; PCD, WCD, PTY, and WYT, with soil from Changde and Yingtan, are assigned “1”) was also included in the environmental factors but with no explanation value observed. (B) Redundancy analysis (RDA) of the relationship between the OTU compositions in the phyllosphere samples and the water properties. The analysis included only PC, PCD, and PYT because the water properties for PO were not available. The length of each arrow indicates the contribution of the parameter to the structural variation.