Time courses for peptide species involved in the HalM2/His6P-HalA2 reaction. The charge-state-weighted fractional abundances
of peptide species were determined as described in the methods, converted
to peptide concentration, and plotted vs reaction time. The major
species included the starting material and final product (7 and 4, respectively, panel A), species with no thioether
ring and 1–3 dehydrations (8–10, panel B), species with 1 thioether ring and 1–5 additional
dehydrations (14–18, panel C), and
species with two thioether rings and 2–5 additional dehydrations
(19–22, panel D). The progress curves
overlying the data were generated by numerical simulation with the
kinetic model shown in Scheme 3 and the rate
constants given in Table 1. The reaction does
not go to completion, leading to slight discrepancies between the
model and the data at longer time points. The FitSpace Explorer calculation
for this global fit, showing the extent to which the variable parameters
in the kinetic model are constrained by the data, is shown in Figure
S13 of the Supporting Information. Two
additional low-abundance species, each containing three thioether
rings (compounds 23 and 24) were detected
in the mass spectra for the reaction but were not included in this
model. A preliminary kinetic model that accounts for these two species
is presented in the Supporting Information.