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. 2014 Jul;9(3):137–141.

Table 2.

Relation between Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders items and Duke University Religion Index subscales

SCID –II items DUREL subscales Answer to SCID-II (SD)
P value
Yes Mean (SD) No Mean (SD)
 1- Have you often become frantic when you thought that someone you really cared about was going to leave you? ORA 2.74(1.55) 2.82(1.66) .58
NORA 4.11(2.21) 4.10(2.23) .98
IR 13.78(3.08) 13.69(3.38) .76
 2- Do your relationships with people you really care about have lots of extreme ups and downs? ORA 2.62(1.54) 2.89(1.64) .09
NORA 3.78(2.24) 4.31(2.18) .01*
IR 13.45(3.14) 13.91(3.29) .15
 3- Have you all of a sudden changed you sense of who you are and where you are headed? ORA 2.58(1.50) 2.88(1.65) .71
NORA 3.80(2.26) 4.24(2.19) .05
IR 13.40(3.14) 13.89(3.28) .14
 4- Does your sense of who you are often change dramatically? ORA 2.70(1.51) 2.80(1.63) .66
NORA 3.73(2.27) 4.17(2.21) .12
IR 13.50(3.01) 13.77(3.29) .51
 5- Are you different with different people or in different situations, so that you sometimes don't know who you really are? ORA 2.74(1.72) 2.79(1.58) .80
NORA 3.73(2.29) 4.20(2.19) .07
IR 12.85(3.31) 13.96(3.19) .004*
 6- Have there been lots of sudden changes in your goals, career plans, religious beliefs, and so on? ORA 2.57(1.40) 2.84(1.66) .13
NORA 3.66(2.20) 4.23(2.21) .02*
IR 12.92(3.12) 13.97(3.25) .004*
 7- Have you often done things impulsively? ORA 2.80(1.64) 2.77(1.60) .87
NORA 3.91(2.21) 4.15(2.22) .36
IR 13.41(3.09) 13.80(3.28) .31
 8- Have you tried to hurt or kill yourself or threatened to do so? ORA 2.23(1.32) 2.85(1.63) .009*
NORA 3.39(2.26) 4.19(2.20) .015*
IR 13.00(2.95) 13.82(3.27) .08
 9- Have you ever cut, burned, or scratched yourself on purpose? ORA 2.84(1.58) 2.77(1.61) .81
NORA 3.57(2.33) 4.15(2.21) .13
IR 13.57(3.25) 13.74(3.25) .77
 10- Do you have a lot of mood changes? ORA 2.52(1.47) 2.95(1.68) .006*
NORA 3.74(2.29) 4.32(2.15) .008*
IR 13.15(3.19) 14.11(3.24) .003*
 11- Do you often feel empty inside? ORA 2.39(1.49) 2.93(1.63) .002*
NORA 3.72(2.32) 4.24(2.17) .029*
IR 12.78(3.46) 14.09(3.08) .000*
 12- Do you often have temper outbursts or get so angry that lose control? ORA 2.80(1.64) 2.76(1.59) .87
NORA 3.98(2.22) 4.13(2.23) .53
IR 13.61(3.13) 13.74(3.28) .71
 13- Do you hit people or throw things when you get angry? ORA 3.11(1.81) 2.76(1.59) .28
NORA 3.80(2.26) 4.12(2.22) .48
IR 13.80(2.07) 13.72(3.31) .89
 14- Do even little things get you very angry? ORA 2.58(1.54) 2.93(1.64) .02*
NORA 3.80(2.25) 4.33(2.18) .01*
IR 13.16(3.21) 14.15(3.21) .002*
 15- When you are under a lot of stress, do you get suspicious of other people or feel especially spaced out? ORA 2.79(1.57) 2.77(1.65) .87
NORA 4.09(2.18) 4.11(2.28) .92
IR 13.88(2.85) 13.53(2.65) .26

ORA indicates organizational religious activity; NORA non-organized religious activity; IR intrinsic religiosity.

The table presents the results of analyses to assess relationship between religion and BPD scores. The t test has been used to compare the mean difference of different religiosity subscales of DUREL of two samples (Yes and No respondents).