FIG. 1.
Sensitivities of the PCR methods determined by agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR products from samples serially diluted 10-fold and ethidium bromide staining. Primers Bg.Pd3 and Bg.Pd4 (A) and primers B18S-F and B18S-R (B) were used in PCRs to detect B. gibsoni. Lanes 1, dilution of 10−1 with 0.5% parasitemia; lanes 2, dilution of 10−2 with 0.05% parasitemia; lanes 3, dilution of 10−3 with 0.005% parasitemia; lanes 4, dilution of 10−4 with 0.0005% parasitemia; lanes 5, dilution of 10−5 with 0.00005% parasitemia; lanes 6, dilution of 10−6 with 0.000005% parasitemia; lane M (A), 100-bp DNA ladder marker; lane M (B), HindIII-digested bacteriophage lambda marker.