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. 2015 Jan;135(1):e43–e51. doi: 10.1542/peds.2014-0760


Mean (SE) for Variables by Usage Groups, With F for ANOVA and Ps for 3 Contrasts From Multinomial Regression

Variable Usage Group F Contrast (P)
1. Nonuser 2. E-Cigarettes Only 3. Cigarettes Only 4. Dual Use 1 vs 2 2 vs 3 2 vs 4
Social-cognitive protective factors
 Parental support 25.9 (0.20) 23.3 (0.40) 20.0 (0.97) 21.8 (0.48) 36.5 .001 .01 .03
 Parental monitoring 21.2 (0.10) 20.0 (0.20) 18.7 (0.50) 19.0 (0.24) 33.0 .001 .04 .01
 Academic involvement 18.3 (0.11) 16.6 (0.22) 15.5 (0.53) 15.5 (0.26) 46.7 .001 ns .002
 Grades past year 4.3 (0.02) 3.9 (0.05) 3.8 (0.11) 3.5 (0.06) 65.1 .001 ns .001
 Behavioral self-control 65.4 (0.32) 61.2 (0.65) 57.9 (1.58) 57.0 (0.77) 43.2 .001 ns .001
 Emotional self-control 44.3 (0.28) 40.4 (0.57) 35.9 (1.42) 38.9 (0.68) 33.9 .001 ns ns
 Social competence 9.4 (0.08) 9.7 (0.16) 8.7 (0.39) 9.7 (0.19) 2.5# ns ns ns
Social-cognitive risk factors
 Smoker prototype 8.9 (0.10) 9.4 (0.20) 10.1 (0.50) 10.5 (0.24) 13.3 .02 ns .01
 Smoking expectancies 8.8 (0.16) 10.1 (0.31) 13.3 (0.79) 14.3 (0.38) 68.6 .001 .002 .001
 Behavioral dysregulation 38.9 (0.27) 43.6 (0.54) 42.6 (1.33) 45.7 (0.64) 45.3 .001 ns .02
 Emotional dysregulation 21.7 (0.22) 24.7 (0.45) 27.4 (1.11) 26.7 (0.54) 37.0 .001 .03 .01
 Peer smoking 0.8 (0.04) 1.5 (0.08) 1.9 (0.19) 2.8 (0.09) 135.6 .001 ns .001
 E-cigarettes healthier 1.6 (0.01) 1.8 (0.03) 1.7 (0.06) 1.8 (0.03) 30.3 .001 ns ns
Problem behavior risk factors
 Parent–adolescent conflict 7.6 (0.09) 8.7 (0.18) 9.4 (0.46) 9.5 (0.22) 29.2 .001 ns .02
 Sensation seeking 13.4 (0.12) 15.8 (0.24) 16.8 (0.58) 17.8 (0.29) 89.6 .001 ns .001
 Rebelliousness 6.3 (0.09) 8.4 (0.18) 9.5 (0.46) 10.9 (0.22) 152.7 .001 ns .001
Collateral substance use
 Alcohol use 0.5 (0.03) 1.5 (0.06) 1.9 (0.14) 2.5 (0.07) 296.4 .001 ns .001
 Marijuana use 0.1 (0.03) 0.6 (0.05) 1.1 (0.13) 2.6 (0.06) 474.4 .001 ns .001
 Heavy drinking 0.1 (0.02) 0.3 (0.03) 0.4 (0.08) 0.9 (0.04) 138.2 .001 ns .001

ns, nonsignificant. Usage group sizes are as follows: Nonuser group = 1319 cases; e-cigarette only group = 331 cases; cigarette-only group = 54 cases; and dual-use group = 228 cases. F for ANOVA has approximately 3/1910 degrees of freedom. Fs are significant at P < .001 unless otherwise noted; # indicates not significant. Regressions include control for gender, grade, family structure, ethnicity, and parental education and adjustment for any within-school clustering. For contrasts, 0.001 indicates effect is significant at P < .001; otherwise, exact probability indicates significance level of result.

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