Figure 2. ARRB1/β-arrestin-1 and E2F1 to 3 are necessary for SCF induction by Nicotine and EGF.
(A) RT-PCR showing the induction of SCF in A549 shcontrol nicotine treated but not in shβ-arrestin1 depleted nicotine treated cells. (B,C) RT-PCR showing the expression of SCF in A549 and H1650 NSCLC cells where ARRB1 was knocked down using siRNA prior to nicotine and EGF stimulation. (D, E) RT-PCR showing the effect of siRNA targeting E2F1 to 5 on nicotine-mediated induction of SCF in A549 and H1650 cells. (F) RT-PCR showing the effect of siRNA targeting E2F1 on EGF-mediated induction of SCF. (G) DHFR mRNA levels were significantly reduced by E2F1 to 5 siRNA in A549 and H1650 cells.