Figure 8. Use of shRNA-resistant DEPTOR.
A) 8226 MM cells transfected with empty vector (EV), mutant DEPTOR (resistant) or wild type (WT) DEPTOR and either treated with or without shRNA targeting DEPTOR, followed by immunoblot; B) % apoptosis (mean+/− SD, n=3) following DEPTOR knockdown (+/−shRNA) in EV, mutant-DEPTOR (resistant) or wild type DEPTOR-transfected 8226 cells. C) qt-PCR quantification of relative amounts of miRNA 106a, 93 and 20b in MM cells transfected as in ‘A’ (EV=empty vector; WT=wild type DEPTOR; Mu=mutant (resistant) DEPTOR). Data are means+/−SD, n=3. D) Model of events following DEPTOR knockdown in MM cells.