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. 2014 Dec 19;14:263. doi: 10.1186/s12862-014-0263-3

Table 1.

Model comparisons using Bayes factors calculated from marginal likelihoods in BEAST

Dataset Preferred model combination Non-preferred model combination Bayes factor with interpretation
Monocots, cpDNA
UCLN, BD, p UCLN, BD, np 19510.4***
UCLN, Yule, p UCLN, Yule, np 19510.8***
UCLN, Yule, p (best overall) UCLN, BD, p 19.31***
Xanthorrhoeaceae, cpDNA
UCLN, BD, np UCLN, BD, p 26.53***
UCLN, Yule, np UCLN, Yule, p 29.66***
RLC, BD, np RLC, BD, p 38.85***
RLC, Yule, np RLC, Yule, p 59.98***
UCLN, Yule, np UCLN, BD, np 8.39**
RLC, Yule, np RLC, BD, np 16.26***
RLC, Yule, np (best overall) UCLN, BD, np 7.36**
Xanthorrhoeaceae, rpb2
UCLN, BD, p UCLN, BD, np 238.44***
UCLN, Yule, p UCLN, Yule, np 60.42***
RLC, BD, p RLC, BD, np 219.8***
RLC, Yule, p RLC, Yule, np 267.27***
UCLN, BD, p UCLN, Yule, np 16.08***
RLC, Yule, p RLC, BD, p 204.75***
RLC, Yule, p (best overall) UCLN, BD, p 249.98***

Within each dataset, model comparisons follow the nested sequence: partitioned (p) vs non-partitioned (np) loci; Birth-death (BD) vs Yule phylogenetic tree models; and uncorrelated lognormal (UCLN) vs random local clocks (RLC). Each row compares the bolded models, with other models held constant. For each dataset, the best model combination overall (highest marginal likelihood) is indicated, and in each case is (very) strongly preferred to the second best. Asterisks after the Bayes factors indicate their interpretation according to [27]: ** = “strong” (6 ≤ BF < 10) and *** = “very strong” (BF ≥ 10) evidence favouring the model with the higher lnL. Results are shown for path sampling only because those from stepping stone sampling were identical.