Table 4.
Number | Percentage | |
Initial sample | 15,000 | |
Over coverage | 153 | |
Net sample | 14,847 | 100 |
Refusal | 2510 | 16.9 |
Unable to participatea | 591 | 4.0 |
No contact | 3567 | 24.0 |
Telephone interviewed | 7504 | 50.5 |
Answer through mail questionnaire | 675 | 4.5 |
Unweighted total response | 8179 | |
Incomplete responses | 14 | |
Unweighted net response | 8165 | 55.0 |
Weighted net response | 63.0 |
Illness (temporal), physical/psychological disability, institutionalized or due to language problems.