Figure 4. The effects of inhibitors of Src and PI-3 K on ET-1-induced expression of AR and c-Myc in LNCaP cells.
LNCaP cells cultured in medium containing 5% CS serum were pre-treated with various kinase inhibitors: PP2 (inhibitor of Src kinase) (100 nM) (A) and LY (inhibitor of PI-3 K) (100 nM) (B) for 30 minutes. Following treatments with 50 nM ET-1 for 18 hours, cells were lysed to conduct Western analysis using AR and actin antibodies. (C) LNCaP cells pre-treated with LY and PP2 were treated with 50 nM ET-1 for 18 hrs. Cell lysates were analyzed by Western blotting and probed using c-Myc and actin antibodies. All experiments were repeated at least two times with three independent preparations of cell lysates with similar results.