Figure 5.
Generation and comparison of the SS and synthetic PERGSS synthesized using tr (2 rps, without adaptation) and derived responses at the reversal rate (with adaptation) at 17.4 rps. (A) Bottom left shows the population response PERGSS obtained at 17.4 rps. The tr response PERGtr obtained using 2.2 rps stimuli is shown in (B) in the middle. The corresponding qPERGSS response using the jittered sequence at the same rate is shown in (C). Stimulus sequences indicating pattern reversal times are shown at the top of each column. The tr qPERGtr derived using CLAD is shown in (D), and the associated synthetic response synPERGSS, synthesized (SYN) from the qPERGtr is shown in (F). The synthetic PERGSS obtained using the 2.2 rps tr PERG is shown in (E). All the computationally derived responses are enclosed by broken lines to separate them from the experimentally obtained PERG responses. Waveforms shown in (A, E, F) will be compared in the remaining diagrams to see the results of rate adaptation in the formation of SS PERGs.