Figure 4.
Plus water maze. A) A diagram of the plus water maze used drawn to scale (see also [24]). Overlaying grids represent mesh lids covering the arm end. The platform is shown in the west arm. B) Average total number of incorrect arm entries across all 15 trials (3 trials per day for 5 days) shown separately by strain and running group. Open bars represent the sedentary condition and closed bars represent the runner condition. C) Path length (m), incorrect arm entries, latency (sec), and swim speed (km/hr), averaged across three trials per day over the 5 days of acquisition shown for each strain as separate graphs organized into columns. Runners are shown as filled circles and sedentary as open circles. All strains learned the plus water maze. Performance depended on strain. All strains displayed enhanced performance from wheel running. Standard error bars shown, n=10 or 11 animals per group.