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. 2014 Dec 30;9(12):e115759. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115759

Table 1. Composition of the different artificial soils and treatment of the experiment.

Corn Oil Sand Kaolin Fulvic acid Humic acid Sphagnum peat moss Activated carbon Aroclor1254 Time of maturation
(Sigma-aldrich, StLouis, USA) See Sand (Carl RothGmbH, Karlsruhe,Germany) (Sigma-aldrich,St Louis, USA) Swanee River FAstandard I (IHSS,St Paul, USA) (Sigma-aldrich,St Louis, USA) (Sphagnum peat mossfrom baltic countries,Verve, France) Activated charcoal 242276(Sigma-aldrich,St Louis, USA) Concentration(µg.g−1 of DM)(Sigma-aldrich, Supelco) in days
Spiked corn oil (SO) 100% 19.2
Standard soil (SS) 77.80% 22.20% 19.2 21
Fulvic acid (FA) 76.20% 21.90% 1.92% 19.2 21
Sphagnum peat (SP) 76.00% 21.70% 2.33% 19.2 21
Humic Acid (HA) 75.80% 21.70% 2.56% 19.2 21
Sphagum peat andactivated carbon (SPAC) 75.80% 21.70% 2.38% 0.05% 19.2 21
Activated carbon (AC) 77.70% 22.20% 0.05% 19.2 21
Negative controls (NC) 77.80% 22.20% 21