Fig. 2.
Satellite cells (SCs) associated with type I or II fibers expressed per fiber (A and B), as individual and mean relative change per fiber (C and D) or mm2 fiber area (E and F) evaluated from biopsies obtained pre and post 12 wk of eccentric (Ecc) or concentric (Conc) training combined with either whey protein (Whey) or isocaloric carbohydrate (Placebo) supplementation. Overall interactions and time effects are displayed in top right corner and overall differences between contraction modes (Ecc < Conc) or supplementation types (Whey > Placebo) are shown with “>” or “<” symbols. Significant difference from pretraining are denoted by ** (P < 0.01) or *** (P < 0.001) and tendencies by (*) (P < 0.1).