Fig. 2.
Preassociated apoCaM mediates two distinct Ca2+-dependent processes in TMEM16A(abc). (A) Representative ICl traces recorded from HEK293 cells transfected with TMEM16A(abc) at various free intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. Voltage protocol used to elicit currents is shown in Inset. (Scale bar, 10 nA, 200 ms.) (B) Population steady-state current–voltage (Ipeak−V) relationships at different free [Ca2+]I; n = 5–9 for each point. (C) Population Ipeak–V relationships for TMEM16A(abc) coexpressed with either WT CaM (■) or CaM1234 (red square); n = 5 for each point. *P < 0.05 compared with TMEM16A(abc) + CaM using two-tailed unpaired Student t test. (D) [Ca2+]i dependence of TMEM16A(abc) activation. Steady-state current density recorded at +100 mV plotted vs. free [Ca2+]i for TMEM16A(abc) expressed alone (open triangle) or with either WT CaM (■) or CaM1234 (red square); n = 5–9 for each point.