Table 5. Statistics on the BLASTX, BLASTN and re-mapping of the raw reads to assemblies respectively.
Genotype | Raw reads | Reads mapped | Percent mapped | No. of contigs | Contigs with BLASTX hits | Contigs with BLASTN hits |
30076_AByss_Mmer_Dedup | 16,774,125 | 11,287,184 | 67.29 | 30,764 | 87.59 | 87.56 |
30076_Trinity_25mer | 16,774,125 | 15,073,698 | 89.86 | 31,800 | 90.70 | 89.50 |
30076_Trinity_25mer_Dedup | 16,774,125 | 15,073,380 | 89.86 | 29,786 | 87.32 | 88.26 |
38901_AByss_Mmer_Dedup | 16,206,929 | 13,254,030 | 81.78 | 32,807 | 84.14 | 87.56 |
38901_Trinity_25mer | 16,206,929 | 14,348,120 | 88.53 | 37,379 | 84.90 | 91.97 |
38901_Trinity_25mer_Dedup | 16,206,929 | 14,348,119 | 88.53 | 33,145 | 84.75 | 90.65 |
OLin_AByss_Mmer_Dedup | 38,335,246 | 31,592,825 | 82.41 | 70,958 | 65.43 | 72.48 |
OLin_Trinity_25mer | 38,335,246 | 33,419,909 | 87.18 | 67,098 | 79.98 | 88.90 |
OLin_Trinity_25mer_Dedup | 38,335,246 | 33,567,753 | 87.56 | 51,511 | 78.02 | 84.72 |