Figure 4. Interaction of pepper and maize roots with Phytophthora capsici zoospores.
A∼C shows the interaction of pepper root and zoospores. Zoospores were attracted to the root elongation zone of pepper, quickly stopped and encysted into cystospores on the root surface or near the root. And then cystospores began to germinate. Arrow in C shows the germinated spores. D∼F shows the interaction of maize root and zoospores. Zoospores were attracted to the root tip of maize, quickly stopped and encysted into cystospores. Few cystospores germinated and some cystospores on the root tip of maize ruptured. Arrow in F shows the ruptured cystospores. G∼I shows the interaction of zoospores and the root of maize BX1 mutant, which can not produce DIMBOA and MBOA. Zoospores were also attracted to the root tip zone, quickly stopped and encysted into cystospores. However, most of cystospores did not rupture but germinated after 30 min incubation. Arrow in I shows the germinated cystospores.