Figure 4. Cell-type-specific multicolor STORM imaging illuminates homogeneous nanoscale distribution of CB1 receptors on GABAergic axon terminals.
(a,d) Deconvolved confocal images show a biocytin-filled CA1 pyramidal neuron and adjacent CB1-positive boutons. (b,e) Putative afferents of the labeled neuron are identified. (c,f) Dual-channel 3D-STORM demonstrates accumulation of the active zone protein bassoon at the contact site, indicative of a perisomatic and dendritic afferent synapses. Representative images are shown from experiments repeated on 10 biocytin-filled pyramidal neurons. (g,i) Confocal images of axon terminals of biocytin-filled perisomatic and dendritic interneurons, respectively. (h,j) Dual-channel 3D-STORM reveals the nanoscale bassoon and CB1 distribution. (k,m) Localization points are visualized in 3D. The Euclidean distances between CB1 and bassoon LPs can be readily calculated. (l,n) To allow intermolecular distance measurements along the structure surface, the shortest paths between CB1 and bassoon LPs on the bouton surface were determined after fitting a 3D-convex hull on the CB1 localization points. (o) Neither the Euclidean nor the surface distance is different between axon terminals of perisomatic and dendritic interneurons (n = 311 and 141 boutons, Mann-Whitney U test, p = 0.69, U = 21420 for Euclidean distance; n = 33 and 22 boutons, p = 0.31, U = 305 for surface distance). Graphs show raw data and median±IQR. (p) The density of receptors (CB1 NLP within 200 nm from random points of the surface, median±IQR) is plotted against surface distance from bassoon. Perisynaptic (within 250 nm) and extrasynaptic (1000-1250 nm) CB1 densities are similar within boutons, and between cell types.