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. 2014 Dec 11;4(12):e006434. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006434

Table 2.

Interim prioritisation of the top 26 uncertainties

Uncertainty PwP Score Carer Score F&F Score HSCP Score Total Interim rank A–Z ID
What treatments are helpful in reducing tremor in people with Parkinson's? 93 83 92 91 359 1 T
What treatments are helpful for reducing balance problems and falls in people with Parkinson's? 92 93 80 94 359 1 E
Is it possible to identify different types of Parkinson's, eg, tremor dominant? And can we tailor treatments best according to these different types? 88 88 89 88 353 3 U
What treatments would ensure the medications were equally effective each day (prevented/managed wearing off, variability, on/off states) in people with Parkinson's? 89 94 88 81 352 4 H
Would the monitoring of dopamine levels in the body (eg, with blood tests) be helpful in determining medication timing and amount (dose)? 91 89 86 86 352 4 L
What is helpful for improving the quality of sleep in people with Parkinson's? 94 79.5 93 84 350.5 6 G
What best treats mild cognitive problems such as memory loss, lack of concentration, indecision and slowed thinking in people with Parkinson's? 87 91 77 89.5 344.5 7 D
What treatments are helpful in reducing urinary problems (urgency, irritable bladder, incontinence) in people with Parkinson's? 90 77 94 79 340 8 I
What drug treatments are best for the different stages of Parkinson's? 83 87 87 77.5 334.5 9 X
What approaches are helpful for reducing stress and anxiety in people with Parkinson's? 75 77 82 92 326 10 M
What treatments are helpful for reducing dyskinesias (involuntary movements, which are a side effect of some medications) in people with Parkinson's? 80 90 73.5 77.5 321 11 J
What best treats dementia in people with Parkinson's? 56 92 75 93 316 12 Z
What interventions are effective for reducing or managing unexplained fatigue in people with Parkinson's? 78 65 85 85 313 13 Y
What best helps prevent or reduce freezing (of gait and in general) in people with Parkinson's? 79 71.5 76 82 308.5 14 O
What treatments are helpful for swallowing problems (dysphagia) in people with Parkinson's? 66 74.5 81 80 301.5 15 C
What is the best method of monitoring a person with Parkinson's response to treatments? 81 52.5 83.5 83 300 16 F
What training, techniques or aids are needed for hospital staff, to make sure patients with Parkinson’s get their medications correctly and on time? 53 86 64.5 89.5 293 17 W
What treatments are helpful in reducing bowel problems (constipation, incontinence) in people with Parkinson's? 77 85 90 40 292 18 K
What is the best type and dose of exercise (physiotherapy) for improving muscle strength, flexibility, fitness, balance and function in people with Parkinson's? 84 68 64.5 67.5 284 19 Q
Can medications be developed to allow fewer doses per day for people with Parkinson's? (For example combinations of medications in one pill, slow release pills) 73 84 56 69 282 20 S
What helps improve the dexterity (fine motor skills or coordination of small muscle movements) of people with Parkinson's so they can do up buttons, use computers, phones, remote controls etc? 85 59.5 73.5 54.5 272.5 21 A
What treatments are effective in reducing hallucinations (including vivid dreams) in people with Parkinson's? 52 79.5 71.5 61 264 22 P
What is the best treatment for stiffness (rigidity) in people with Parkinson's? 86 67 63 46 262 23 B
At which stage of Parkinson's is deep brain stimulation (a surgical treatment that involves implanting a ‘brain pacemaker’ that sends signals to specific parts of the brain) most helpful? 69 59.5 91 42 261.5 24 N
What training to improve knowledge and skills do informal carers (family and friends) need in order to best care for people with Parkinson's? 42 82 70 63.5 257.5 25 V
What is the best treatment for pain in people with Parkinson's? 82 54 60.5 57.5 254 26 R

F&F, family and friends; HSCP, health and social care professionals; PwP, people with Parkinson's.