Loss of O-fucose monosaccharide modification of N causes a neurogenic phenotype at 30 °C but not at 25 °C. A–J, lateral views of embryos stained with an anti-Elav antibody (white). A and B, wild-type embryos raised at 25 °C (A) and 30 °C (B). C and D, O-fut1R245A knock-inm/z raised at 25 °C (C) and 30 °C (D). E and F, GmdH78m/z raised at 25 °C (E) and 30 °C (F). G and H, GmerSHm/z raised at 25 °C (G) and 30 °C (H). I and J, fng13m/z raised at 25 °C (I) and 30 °C (J). K, frequency of embryos (%) showing a normal central nervous system (orange) or a neurogenic phenotype (blue) at 25 and 30 °C. The number of embryos examined is shown at the top. Scale bars, 100 μm.