Phosphoacceptors identified after purification of S. pneumoniae LocZ from the E. coli BL21(DE3) Star strain coexpressing StkPa
Phosphorylated tryptic peptide sequence of LocZ purified from pCDFDuet coexpressing StkP |
No. of phosphate groups detected by LC-MS/MS |
Phosphorylated residue |
[55–68] QHRDEIEADKFApTR | 1 | T67 |
[53–70] VKQHRDEIEADKFApTRQY | 1 | T67 |
[71–88] KKEEFVEpTQSLDDLIQEM | 1 | T78 |
Sequences of the phosphorylated peptides identified in LocZ as determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) following tryptic digestion are indicated, and phosphorylated residues (pT) are shown in bold.