Figure 2.
The time course of VirE2 delivery and the effect of T-DNA on VirE2 delivery. (a) The time course of VirE2 delivery in Nicotiana benthamiana. Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105virE2::GFP11 cells were infiltrated into transgenic N. benthamiana (Nb308A) leaves expressing both GFP1–10 and DsRed. The leaf epidermal cells were observed at 16, 32 and 48 h post-agroinfiltration. (b) The effect of T-DNA on VirE2 delivery. Cells of A. tumefaciens with T-DNA [EHA105virE2::GFP11(pHT101); upper panel] or without T-DNA (EHA105virE2::GFP11; lower panel) were infiltrated into transgenic N. benthamiana (Nb308A) leaves expressing both GFP1–10 and DsRed. The leaf epidermal cells were observed at 2 days post-agroinfiltration. Scale bars: 20 μm. Images were obtained under a confocal microscope with an Olympus UAPO N 340 40× NA 1.15 water immersion objective.