Figure 2.
LC-ESI-MS analysis of glycoreporter fusion proteins reveals differences in subcellular localization. Mass spectra of glycopeptides 1 (EEQYNSTYR) derived from the glycoprotein part of GFPglyc. GCSI, chimeric construct containing the CTS region from the ER-resident Arabidopsis thaliana α–glucosidase I fused to the glycoreporter. Man5 (Man5GlcNAc2) to Man9 (Man9GlcNAc2), oligomannosidic N–glycans, indicative of ER retention; GnGnXF (GlcNAc2XylFucMan3GlcNAc2), MGnXF (GlcNAcXylFucMan3GlcNAc2), GnAXF2 GalGlcNAc2XylFuc2Man3GlcNAc2) complex N–glycans, processed in the Golgi apparatus. The schematic presentation corresponding to the major N–glycan peak is given. The asterisk denotes the presence of an unspecific peak.