Immunoblot analysis of spleen and thymus of Malt1-proficient (+/+), Malt1-deficient
(ko/ko), or knock-in mice expressing a C472A mutant form of Malt1 (ki/ki).
Immunoblot analysis of splenocytes, incubated with or without PMA and ionomycin (PMA+Iono)
for 30 min, for the presence and cleavage of Malt1 substrates. Cleaved Bcl-10 was detected using an
antibody directed against the cleavage-specific neoepitope.
Immunoblot analysis of purified splenic T or B cells, stimulated with or without PMA and
ionomycin (PMA+Iono) for 30 min or the indicated antibodies (anti-IgM, α-IgM; anti-CD3
and anti-CD28, α-CD3+α-CD28) for 60 min, for the presence and cleavage of
Immunoblot analysis of purified T cells or B cells of wild-type (+/+), knock-in
(ki/ki), and knock-out (ko/ko) mice, stimulated with PMA and ionomycin (PMA+Iono) for the
indicated times.
Data information: Samples in (B) and (C) were treated with MG-132 prior to stimulation to prevent
proteasomal degradation of the RelB cleavage fragments. Immunoblotting for tubulin served as a
loading control. Open and black arrowheads indicate uncleaved and cleaved Malt1 substrates,
respectively. Asterisk (*) indicates an unspecific band. Cells of three mice per genotype
were pooled in (C) and (D). Data are representative of three (A), four (B, D), and two (C)
Source data are available online for this figure.