Table 2.
Strain source/other collectionab | Host organism | Geographical origin | GenBank accession |
FV1 | Fraxinus excelsior | Wojnowice (Poland) | JX294499 |
FV2 | Acer negundo | Poznań (Poland) | JX294500 |
FV3 | Acer negundo | Poznań (Poland) | JX294501 |
FV4 | Populus alba | Kiekrz (Poland) | JX294502 |
FV5 | Alnus glutinosa | Rakoniewice (Poland) | JX294503 |
FV6 | Ulmus minor | Jarocin (Poland) | JX294504 |
FV7 | Populus nigra | Jarocin (Poland) | JX294505 |
FV8 | Salix caprea | Zielona Góra (Poland) | JX294506 |
FV9 | Alnus incana | Wojnowo (Poland) | JX294507 |
FV10 | Acer platanoides | Tychy (Poland) | JX294508 |
FV11 | Fagus sylvatica | Poznań (Poland) | JX294509 |
FV12 | Populus nigra | Rakoniewice (Poland) | JX294510 |
aFCL, Fungal Collection of Lublin, Department of Biochemistry, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland
bULSP, Department of Vegetable Crops, University of Life Sciences, Poznan, Poland