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. 2014 Aug 29;18:350. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2014.18.350.3394

Table 3.

Distribution of households with members in high risk age-groups, reporting illness and poor self rated health status by membership status, Kongwa and Mpwapwa (%)

Variable Membership status r-value *
NHIF n = 224 CHF n = 233 Non members n = 238
Illness episodes 0.008
None 18.3 11.2 20.2
Acute only 52.2 56.7 59.2
Chronic 29.5 32.2 20.6
Self reported health status 0.001
Excellent/very good/ good health status 45.9 29.2 38.7
Fair/poor health status 54 71 61.3
High risk age groups in household
Children aged 1-5yrs 0.000
None 66.5 43.8 47.1
Present 33.5 56.2 52.9
15-49 yrs 0.059
None 4.0 5.6 9.2
Present 95.9 94.4 90.8
Elderly (60 yrs and above) 0.001
None 92.9 82.0 82.8
Present 7.1 18.0 17.2

Chi square test