(a) Negative control (no primary antibody) of nasopharyngeal epidermal tissue showed no positive
staining in IHC. Almost all normal epidermal cells in normal nasopharyngeal epidermal tissue
exhibited strong positive LBH staining. Partially cancerous cells of the squamous cell NPC tissue
type exhibited moderately positive LBH staining. Almost all cancer cells of the nasopharyngeal
undifferentiated NPC tissue type were negative for LBH staining. (b) MTT assay showed that LBH
expression inhibited CNE1 cell proliferation (*P < 0.05 vs. CNE1 or CNE1-NC group). (c)
Tumor-formation rate after CNE1, CNE1-NC, or CNE1-LBH cell (5 × 106) injection
into the axilla of BALB/c nude mice was 72%, 68% and 42%, respectively (*P < 0.05 vs. CNE1
or CNE1-NC group). (d) The average weight of transplanted tumor in nude mice injected with CNE1,
CNE1-NC, and CNE1-LBH cells was 1.67 g, 1.59 g, and 0.92 g, respectively.
(*P < 0.05 vs. CNE1 or CNE1-NC group) (e) Representative image of the inhibition effect on
SUNE1 tumor xenograft growth by LBH expression detected by bioluminescent imaging. SUNE1-NC and
SUNE1-LBH cells were injected subcutaneously into the left and right armpits, respectively, in nude
mice. (f) Photons/sec analysis showed that the growth of the SUNE1-LBH xenografted tumors was slower
than SUNE1-NC control tumors (*P < 0.05). (g) The volume of transplanted tumors in nude
mice also showed that the SUNE1-LBH grew slower than the control SUNE1-NC tumors (#P <