Complementary dNTP or
rNTP binding to wild-type Φ29 DNAP
and mutants. (a) The normalized p/(1 – p) – 1 is shown in a log–log plot as a function
of the concentration of dGTP (filled symbols) or of rGTP (open symbols),
for complexes formed between DNA1-H_H and wild-type Φ29 DNAP
or mutants. Enzyme identities are indicated by symbol shapes: the
wild-type Φ29 DNAP (□), the Y254V mutant (△),
the D12A/D66A mutant (◇), or the D12A/D66A/Y254V mutant (▶).
The normalized p/(1 – p)
is defined as the value of p/(1 – p) in the presence of a given concentration of dNTP or rNTP,
divided by the value of p/(1 – p) for the same Φ29 DNAP–DNA complex at 0 μM dNTP
or rNTP36where p is the
probability of post-translocation state occupancy. Complexes were
captured at 180 mV. Error bars show the standard errors. Each data
point was determined from 15–30 ionic current time traces for
individual captured complexes; each time trace had a duration of 5–10
s. (b–d) Plots of log(survival probability) vs dwell time for
the lower amplitude level for complexes formed between wild-type Φ29
DNAP and DNA1-H_H, captured in the presence of (b) 0 μM dGTP
or rGTP, (c) 5 μM dGTP, or (d) 1200 μM rGTP. In panels
b–d, the dashed red line represents an exponential distribution
with rate r2, which is the constant slope
of log(survival probability) at 0 μM dGTP or rGTP and which
is obtained by fitting to the data in Figure panel b (see text). The
solid red fitting line in panel c shows the fit of the data to a model
of two exponential modes. The dashed black fitting line in panel d
shows the fit of the data to an exponential distribution. The dwell
time samples were extracted from data files collected when complexes
were captured at 180 mV; each file yields ∼8000–80000
dwell time samples for each amplitude level. In the plots, while 1
out of every 20 points is shown, the curves are fit to the full set
of dwell time samples.