Effects of a 2′-OH,
3′-H primer terminated substrate
on the rates of translocation and primer strand transfer between the
polymerase and exonuclease sites. Plots of (a) log(r1) vs voltage, (b) log(r2)
vs voltage, (c) log(r3) vs voltage, and
(d) log(r4) vs voltage for complexes formed
between DNA1-H_H (blue symbols) or DNA1-OH_H (red symbols) and wild-type
(■), D12A/D66A (◆), or Y254V (▲) Φ29 DNAP.
Rates were determined from dwell time samples extracted from ionic
current traces and a three-state kinetic model40 consisting of transitions r1, r2, r3,
and r4 in the model diagram in Figure 1a. Errors bars indicate the standard error.