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. 2015 Jan 5;350:g7753. doi: 10.1136/bmj.g7753

Table 1.

 Characteristics of sample by sex. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Characteristics Women (n=22 021) Men (n=23 442)
Hospital admission for any mental disorder 1885 (8.6) 2456 (10.5)
Mean years of follow-up
Mean (SD) No not admitted to hospital (censored) 33.69 (5.81) (n=20 136) 31.52 (7.98) (n=20 986)
Mean (SD) first hospital admission for episode 17.55 (10.48) (n=1885) 17.32 (10.16) (n=2456)
Evacuation program
Not evacuated 21 385 (97.1) 22,653 (96.6)
Not evacuated (within evacuee families) 492 (2.2) 528 (2.3)
Evacuated 636 (2.9) 789 (3.4)
Mean (SD) duration of evacuation (years) 1.81 (1.10) (n=634) 1.83 (1.09) (n=783)
Duration groups (years):
 ≤2 421 (66.40) 516 (65.90)
 >2 213 (33.60) 267 (34.10)
Mean (SD) age at evacuation (years) 6.27 (2.53) (n=634) 6.22 (2.45) (n=784)
Age groups (years):
 <4 139 (21.9) 154 (19.6)
 4-6 235 (37.1) 329 (42.0)
 7-11 260 (41.0) 301 (38.4)
Family background
Socioeconomic status in 1939*:
 Entrepreneur 6621 (30.1) 7090 (30.2)
 White collar worker 2079 (9.4) 2292 (9.8)
 Blue collar worker 6505 (29.5) 6789 (29.0)
 Homemaker 1941 (8.8) 1976 (8.4)
 Unemployed or out of labor force 4875 (22.1) 5295 (22.6)
Parental education†:
 Primary school or less 20 541 (93.3) 21 731 (92.7)
 Beyond primary school 1480 (6.7) 1711 (7.3)
Mean (SD) No of children in family in 1940 1.90 (1.80) (n=22 021) 1.95 (1.81) (n=23 442)
Native language:
 Finnish 20 859 (94.7) 22 125 (94.4)
 Swedish 1162 (5.3) 1317 (5.6)

*Based on father’s occupation; if missing, replaced by mother’s occupation.

†Highest level of schooling of either mother or father.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure