(A) Nickel and chromium concentrations (mg/kg) in commercial tomato sauce cooked for six hours in the absence of stainless steel, with stainless steel SRMs, nickel pellets or a stainless steel saucepan (n=5).
(B) Nickel and chromium concentrations (mg/kg) in commercial tomato sauce cooked in the absence of stainless steel or with NIST 123c, the equivalent of 304 stainless steel (n=4). Two, six and twenty hour cooking times are shown. Also the first, third, sixth, and tenth cooking cycles (n=4) each shown.
(C) Nickel and chromium concentrations (mg/kg) in four commercially obtained tomatoes sauces (sauce A–D) cooked in absence of stainless steel (n=4), and with NIST 123C, the equivalent of SS grade 304 (n=5).
*Indicates statistical difference at p=0.05 or less.
**A twenty hour cook time was used while testing the SS grade 316 saucepan.