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. 2015 Jan;28(1):134–164. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00075-14


Performance of norovirus antigen enzyme immunoassays

Study reference Test Study location(s) Case context Population(s) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Reference method (reference[s])
363 IDEIAa UK Outbreak Not specified 55.5 98.3 Conventional RT-PCR (180, 364)
365 IDEIA USA Outbreak, sporadic Pediatric, adult 39.0 100.0 Conventional RT-PCRd
SRSV(II)-ADb 80.0 69.0
193 Ridascreenc Germany Outbreak, sporadic Pediatric, adult 34.6 65.3 Nested RT-PCR (366)
367 Ridascreen Australia Outbreak Not specified 47.0 71.0 Conventional RT-PCR (368)
369 IDEIA Australia Outbreak Not specified 66.0 85.0 Conventional RT-PCR (368)
370 IDEIA Netherlands Not specified 38.0 96.0 Conventional RT-PCR (189)
Ridascreen 36.0 88.0
371 Ridascreen Venezuela Sporadic Pediatric 60.0 97.5 Conventional RT-PCR (364)
372 IDEIA Canada Outbreak Pediatric, adult 60.6 100.0 Compositee
Ridascreen 80.3 100.0
172 IDEIA European Sporadic Not specified 46.2 95.7 Conventional RT-PCRf
IDEIA Multicenter Outbreak 65.9 95.7
Ridascreen Sporadic 31.6 99.5
Ridascreen Outbreak 55.3 97.1
373 IDEIA Spain Sporadic Pediatric 76.9 85.9 Conventional RT-PCR (189, 374)
Ridascreen 59.0 73.1
171 IDEIA USA, UK Sporadic Pediatric, adult 59.0 93.3 Compositeg
Outbreak 58.7 88.9
375 IDEIA Brazil Sporadic Pediatric 45.0 100.0 Real-time/conventional RT-PCR (184, 198)
Ridascreen 63.0 100.0
213 IDEIA Hungary Sporadic Pediatric, adult 78.9 100.0 Compositeh
376 Ridascreeni Brazil Sporadic Pediatric, adult 49.5 93.9 Conventional RT-PCR (377)
Outbreak 87.9 83.8
378 Ridascreeni Brazil Sporadic Pediatric 92.0 83.3 Conventional RT-PCR (377)
379 Ridascreeni Germany Sporadic Not specified 77.0 96.0 Compositej
380 Ridascreeni Italy Sporadic Pediatric, adult 40.0 96.0 Real-time RT-PCR (116)

Oxoid Ltd, Hampshire, United Kingdom.


Denka Seiken Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.


R-Biopharm, Darmstadt, Germany.


RT-PCR primers were not specified.


At least 2 positive test results by RT-PCR (88), electron microscopy, and 2 enzyme immunoassays are considered a true-positive result.


Multiple RT-PCR assays were utilized in this study (76).


Utilizes a diagnostic algorithm (171) that takes into account electron microscopy, conventional RT-PCR/bidirectional sequencing (131, 184, 211, 381), and real-time RT-PCR (202).


At least 1 positive real-time RT-PCR test result by Argene Calici/Astrovirus Consensus (bioMérieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France) and SmartNorovirus (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA) is considered a true-positive result.


The third-generation Ridascreen Norovirus assay was used in this study.


At least 2 positive real-time RT-PCR test results by SmartNorovirus (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA), Ridagene Norovirus LC (R-Biopharm, Darmstadt, Germany), and an assay developed at the Robert Koch Institute (195) are considered a true-positive result.