Fig. 5.
Stereo representation of relative binding position of RRF with respect to tRNAs and EF-G on the ribosome. (a) With respect to the A-(orange) and P-(green) site tRNAs. (b) With respect to EF-G (gray) in the GDP state. CCA, CCA-end side of the tRNAs; AC, anticodon side of the tRNAs; domains I and II of RRF and domains I–V of EF-G are denoted in respective matching colors. Orientations of the 70S ribosome in the two panels are represented by thumbnails at the lower right. In a, the 30S subunit is situated below the 50S subunit such that head of the 30S subunit and the CP of the 50S subunit face the viewer, whereas in b, the solvent side of the 30S subunit faces the viewer.