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. 2004 Jun 7;101(24):8930–8935. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0403002101

Table 1. Data collection and refinement statistics.

Data collection
Resolution range, Å 50.0-3.10 38.79-2.75
Unique reflections 21,662 31,951
Multiplicity 4.5 4.0
Average I 27.2 20.5
Rsym, % (all data/outer shell) 10.2/39.3 4.8/38.5
Completeness, % (all data/outer shell) 89.4/78.8 88.0/81.8
σ cutoff 0.0 2.0
Completeness in range, % 84.6 76.3
R factor, % 23.3 24.2
Rfree, % (5% partition) 26.9 28.6
Mean B-factor 80.5 57.1
rms deviations*
    Bond lengths, Å 0.006 0.011
    Bond angles,° 1.6 1.4
No. of protein atoms 8,578 8,661
No. of water atoms 1 95
No. of prosthetic atoms 33 8
Cross-validated coordinate error, Å 0.47 0.5

The cell parameters of the two structures are as follows: ScS1-ADP, P21: a = 84.1 Å, b = 50.9 Å, c = 161.6 Å, α = 90.0°, β = 98.4°, and γ = 90.0°; ScS1-SO4, P21: a = 83.6 Å, b = 51.1 Å, c = 162.3 Å, α = 90.0°, β = 98.0°, and γ = 90.0°. Eighty-two percent of the ScS1-SO4 residues and 83% of the ScS1-ADP residues in the final models are in the most favored regions of the Ramachandran plot, with the rest in additionally allowed regions.


See ref. 46.

See refs. 26, 47, and 48.