The fusion constructs Fus1 and Fus2 activate NF-κB in a luciferase promoter assay. 293 cells were transfected in triplicate with pcDNA3, pcDNA3-Fus1, pcDNA3-Fus2, pcDNA3-Del, pcDNA3-API2, or pcDNA3-MALT1 in the presence of pTK-Luc (an NF-κB responsive luciferase reporter) and pEF1-BOS-β-gal (used as a control for transfection efficiency). Strong activation of NF-κB levels was observed with the Fus 1 and Fus 2 constructs. However, the MALT1 full-length cDNA and the Del 1 construct failed to activate NF-κB. As expected, the pcDNA3-API2 full-length construct slightly activated NF-κB.