3-D-scores plot of principle component relation (PC1, PC2, and PC4) for four Candida parapsilosis strains (BC 11, BC 16, BC 45 and BC 90) cultured for 48 h. Using the three principle components, one can clearly separate the clusters of spectra associated with the biofilm-positive (BC 11, BC 16) and biofilm-negative (BC 45, BC 90) strains. Green data sets (on the left) and red (on the right side) include all the data measured at three different days (30 July, 19 December 2013 and 13 February 2014). Inspecting this data show that the clustering of the data sets—for two-biofilm positive and two biofilm-negative strains can be separated by the two clear clusters, although the first and the last data sets were recorded about six months apart (July 2013 and February 2014). This demonstrates the solid reproducibility in the Raman fingerprints of these biofilm-positive and negative strains. Explained variances of PC1 (97%), PC2 (2%), and PC4 (0.5%).