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. 2014 Dec 17;5:5804. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6804

Figure 8. HOCl-treated RidA binds to chlorine-treated cytosolic E. coli proteins.

Figure 8

(a) His-tagged RidA was spiked into E. coli MG1655 ΔridA cell lysate. HOCl was added in c and d or left out in a and b. The mixtures were applied to four separate Ni2+-NTA chromatography columns. After intensive washing, DTT-containing buffer was used to elute proteins that were bound to RidA in b and d. Controls were washed with the same volumes of DTT-free washing buffer (shown in a and c). Elution of RidAHis was performed using buffer containing 250 mM of imidazole. Samples from each fraction were applied to non-reducing SDS gels. (e) Proteins were categorized into biological processes according to GO terms using the Cytoscape/BiNGO interface. The number of proteins found for each category is given. The P value of the enrichment of a certain category is indicated by colour.