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. 2015 Jan 6;5:735. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00735

Table 2.

OriBP (origin binding protein) regulators.

OriBP Binding sequence and features Reference
SeqA 5′-GATC-3′ Slater et al., 1995; Brendler et al., 1995; Taghbalout et al., 2000; Nievera et al., 2006
(sequestration factor A) Binds to oriC and inhibits DnaA binding at low affinity sites.
Fis 5′-GAACAACAGTTGTTC-3′ Gille et al., 1991; Filutowicz et al., 1992; Ryan et al., 2004
(factor for inversion stimulation) Binds to single site in oriC and inhibits DnaA binding.
IHF 5′-GATCAACAACCTG-3′ Binds to single site in oriC, stimulates DnaA binding at low affinity sites. Filutowicz and Roll, 1990; Polaczek, 1990; Grimwade et al., 2000
(integration host factor)
HU Binds non-specifically to oriC and influences: DnaA oligomer stability at oriC, IHF binding, and stability of ds DNA helix. Bonnefoy and Rouvière-Yaniv, 1992; Hwang and Kornberg, 1992; Ryan et al., 2002
(histone like U-factor) Interacts with N-terminus of DnaA.
Dps Binds non-specifically to oriC and interacts with N-terminus of DnaA. Chodavarapu et al., 2008b
(DNA-binding protein from starved cells)
ArcA Binds to 13-mer AT-rich repeats, and to DnaA, IHF, IciA binding sites in oriC. Lee et al., 2001
(aerobic respiration control) Influences DnaA interaction with AT-rich region.
IciA Binds to 13-mer AT-rich repeats in oriC and inhibits unwinding. Hwang and Kornberg, 1990; Thöny et al., 1991; Hwang et al., 1992
(inhibitor of chromosomal initiation)
CspD No apparent target sequence, binds exclusively to ssDNA. Inhibits replication initiation. Yamanaka et al., 2001
(stationary phase-induced, stress response protein in the CspA family)
Rob 5′-ATCGCACGATCTGTATACTT-3′ Skarstad et al., 1993; Martin et al., 1999
(right oriC-binding) Binds to single site in oriC. No clear function in initiation regulation.
H-NS 5′-ATGATCGGTGATCCTG-3′ Kim et al., 2005; Yun et al., 2012a,b
(heat-stable nucleoid structural protein) Binds to single site in oriC. Probably requires both Cnu and/or Hha proteins to bind DNA.
DpiA Binds to 13-mer AT-rich repeats in oriC. No function in initiation regulation. Miller et al., 2003
(destabilizer of plasmid inheritance)
Spo0A 5′-TG[TA]CGAA-3′ Strauch et al., 1990; Castilla-Llorente et al., 2006
(sporulation specific sigma factor) Binds to oriC and inhibits DnaA binding.
CtrA 5′-TTAA[Nx7]TTAA-3′ Siam and Marczynski, 2000; Taylor et al., 2011
(cell transcriptional regulator) Binds to Cori and inhibits DnaA binding.
IHF 5′-TAACGCTCTGTT-3′ Siam et al., 2003
(integration host factor) Binds to single site in Cori, displaces CtrA, which facilitates bending of DNA and promotes chromosome replication.
HP1021 5′-TGTT[TA]C[TA]-3 Donczew et al., 2014a
atypical response regulator Binds to oriC1 and oriC2 and blocks DNA unwinding at the DUE (within the oriC2).
AdpA 5′-TGGCSNGWWY-3′ Wolański et al., 2012
(A-factor dependent protein) Binds to oriC and inhibits DnaA binding.
IciA (Rv1985c) Binds to AT-rich region within oriC and blocks DNA unwinding. Kumar et al., 2009
(inhibitor of chromosomal initiation)
MtrA 5′-GTCACAGCG-3′ Mechanism not known. Rajagopalan et al., 2010
(Mycobacterium tuberculosis response regulator A)