Figure 1.
Cross-lagged panel model of the prospective associations among PTSD symptoms, coping, and alcohol consequences. Alcohol use at each time point was also included in the model but was omitted from the figure for simplicity due to a lack of statistically significant cross-lagged associations with the other variables in the model. Statistically significant (p < .05; solid arrows) paths are shown. All nonsignificant paths (p > .05) were retained in the final model but were omitted form the figure for clarity. The path from Y1 alcohol consequences to Y2 negative coping (dashed arrow) was not significant but is depicted in the figure to illustrate a significant indirect path from alcohol consequences to PTSD symptoms via negative coping (bolded lines), which was statistically significant (95% CI does not contain zero). The other indirect effects were not significant. **p < .01, *p < .05.