Table 2.
Age, size, and rate of growth of 105 clinical databases with full entry in DoCDat, August 2003
Characteristics | No (%) of databases |
Year established | |
Before 1960 | 5 (5) |
1960-9 | 6 (6) |
1970-9 | 16 (15) |
1980-9 | 14 (13) |
1990-4 | 17 (16) |
1995-9 | 29 (28) |
2000 onward | 8 (8) |
Size (No of patients or episodes): | |
<2000 | 15 (14) |
2000-9999 | 27 (26) |
10 000-49 999 | 25 (24) |
50 000-1 million | 26 (25) |
>1 million | 12 (11) |
Growth rate (new patients or episodes/year)*: | |
<100 | 5 (6) |
100-499 | 15 (18) |
500-1999 | 23 (27) |
2000-9999 | 16 (19) |
10 000-49 999 | 17 (20) |
50 000-499 999 | 6 (7) |
>500 000 | 3 (4) |
Based on 85 databases with continuous recruitment.