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. 2014 Dec;7(12):38–45.


Studies focusing on various autologous therapies in dermatology

Autologous fat transfer Meier JD, Glasgold RA, Glasgold MJ; 200938 On average, approximately 32% of the injected volume of autologous fat remains at 16 months.
Cortese A, Savastano G, Felicetta L; 200039 Resorption of 75–98% of the graft, but some good results were obtained with multiple procedures
Coleman SR; 199540 Patients were monitored clinically with careful photographic controls for 6.5 years.
Niechajev I, Sevcuk O; 199441 Only partial resorption had occurred 1.5–4.5 years postoperatively. The clinical impression was that 40–50% of the result was maintained long term.
Ersek RA; 199142 The range of fat resorption was reported at 20–90%
Autologous serum therapy Pittler MH, Armstrong NC, Cox A, Collier PM, Hart A, Ernst E; 20039 Mean reduction in SASSAD score was 13.5 points (95% confidence interval, CI 6.6–20.4, p<0.001) over and above placebo; the corresponding value at the end of treatment was 9.6 (95% CI 4.2–14.9, p=0.001). Six patients in the autologous blood therapy group and seven in the placebo group reported minor and transient adverse events.
Platelet rich plasma Lopez V, Vaya A, Bautista D, Ricart JM; 201343 Significant (p=0.048) increase in hair density and borderline increase (p=0.053) in hair number in patients with androgenetic alopecia
Park KY, Kim HK, Kim BJ, Kim MN; 201244 Significant increase in growth rate and hair density was seen without any change in hair thickness in AGA
Li ZJ, Choi HI, Choi DK, et al; 201245 Near-complete hair regrowth observed at 3 weeks
Greco J, Brandt R; 200946 9.7% increase in hair shaft diameter at 4 months and 6.1% at 8 months
Dendritic cell-based immunotherapy Johnson et al; 2009 30% response rate
Robbins et al; 2011 50% response rate
Autoimplantation therapy for warts Shivakumar V, Okade R, Rajkumar V; 200935 70% of verruca vulagaris and 80% of palmo- plantar warts showed resolution of warts within 3 months, accounting for a total clearance rate of 73.3%.
Nischal KC, Sowmya CS, Swaroop MR, Agrawal DP, Basavaraj HB, Sathyanarayana BD; 201247 A total of 20 (74.1%) patients showed a complete clearance of warts within 3 months. Partial clearance was seen in 1 patient. Erythematous nodules developed at the site of implantation in 3 (11.1%) patients. There was relapse in one patient.
Srivastava PK, Bajaj AK; 201036 Results were evaluated in 53 available patients who turned up for follow-up; 35 patients (66.03%) had complete resolution in 2 months, 12 patients (22.64%) showed partial improvement, whereas six patients (11.32%) had no improvement.