Studies focusing on various autologous therapies in dermatology
Autologous fat transfer | Meier JD, Glasgold RA, Glasgold MJ; 200938 | On average, approximately 32% of the injected volume of autologous fat remains at 16 months. |
Cortese A, Savastano G, Felicetta L; 200039 | Resorption of 75–98% of the graft, but some good results were obtained with multiple procedures | |
Coleman SR; 199540 | Patients were monitored clinically with careful photographic controls for 6.5 years. | |
Niechajev I, Sevcuk O; 199441 | Only partial resorption had occurred 1.5–4.5 years postoperatively. The clinical impression was that 40–50% of the result was maintained long term. | |
Ersek RA; 199142 | The range of fat resorption was reported at 20–90% | |
Autologous serum therapy | Pittler MH, Armstrong NC, Cox A, Collier PM, Hart A, Ernst E; 20039 | Mean reduction in SASSAD score was 13.5 points (95% confidence interval, CI 6.6–20.4, p<0.001) over and above placebo; the corresponding value at the end of treatment was 9.6 (95% CI 4.2–14.9, p=0.001). Six patients in the autologous blood therapy group and seven in the placebo group reported minor and transient adverse events. |
Platelet rich plasma | Lopez V, Vaya A, Bautista D, Ricart JM; 201343 | Significant (p=0.048) increase in hair density and borderline increase (p=0.053) in hair number in patients with androgenetic alopecia |
Park KY, Kim HK, Kim BJ, Kim MN; 201244 | Significant increase in growth rate and hair density was seen without any change in hair thickness in AGA | |
Li ZJ, Choi HI, Choi DK, et al; 201245 | Near-complete hair regrowth observed at 3 weeks | |
Greco J, Brandt R; 200946 | 9.7% increase in hair shaft diameter at 4 months and 6.1% at 8 months | |
Dendritic cell-based immunotherapy | Johnson et al; 2009 | 30% response rate |
Robbins et al; 2011 | 50% response rate | |
Autoimplantation therapy for warts | Shivakumar V, Okade R, Rajkumar V; 200935 | 70% of verruca vulagaris and 80% of palmo- plantar warts showed resolution of warts within 3 months, accounting for a total clearance rate of 73.3%. |
Nischal KC, Sowmya CS, Swaroop MR, Agrawal DP, Basavaraj HB, Sathyanarayana BD; 201247 | A total of 20 (74.1%) patients showed a complete clearance of warts within 3 months. Partial clearance was seen in 1 patient. Erythematous nodules developed at the site of implantation in 3 (11.1%) patients. There was relapse in one patient. | |
Srivastava PK, Bajaj AK; 201036 | Results were evaluated in 53 available patients who turned up for follow-up; 35 patients (66.03%) had complete resolution in 2 months, 12 patients (22.64%) showed partial improvement, whereas six patients (11.32%) had no improvement. |