Diabetes aggravates pancreatitis induced systemic inflammation. The concentration of IL-6 in blood plasma (a), and the concentration of leucocytes (b), lymphocytes (c) or monocytes plus granulocytes (d) in the blood was determined on day 23 (2 hours after the last cerulein administration) in control mice (Sham), mice with AP (Cer), diabetic mice (STZ) and diabetic mice with AP (STZ + Cer). Bar charts indicate the average and standard deviation. The number of animals evaluated for each cohort was n = 8 (Sham), n = 19 (Cer), n = 11 (STZ), n = 21 (STZ + Cer) in panel a and n = 6 (Sham), n = 20 (Cer), n = 7 (STZ), n = 19 (STZ + Cer) in panel b to d. Significant differences between the cohorts are indicated, Mann–Whitney rank sum test: *P ≤ 0.001 (a, c, d), *P = 0.008 (b), #P ≤ 0.001 compared to Sham-treated mice (a, c, d).